November 27, 2013

Bidding Farewell to Deakin

Today was the final day for our Deakin University student teachers at Khansuwan Tiger School.  KAS students and faculty joined LIFE to bid farewell.  There was great joy in the room as gifts and presentations were made.  This was KAS' first experience with foreign exchange students and they already said they want them to come back again and stay longer next time.  Good news for everyone!

November 12, 2013

Agricultural Learning Center

Today, LIFE staff members went to Sansai to see and experience organic farming techniques used especially for rice.   With the cooperation of the informal education department, local farmers are being taught about the benefits and advantages of growing rice as well as other Thai vegetables using organic farming methods.  The result is a great tasting, well produced harvest of fresh market products which are safe, healthy and nutritious for the consumer.

All the varieties of rice

 Testing products for pesticides.


Bitter Gourd

 Bullfrogs from USA

Checking out garden

We loved this tea made from rice.