January 22, 2012

English Language Teaching in Thailand

In order to understand the teaching and learning of English, one must understand the basic tenets of the culture. From this perspective, we can then understand some of the new initiatives that are presently being taken in English Language Teaching (ELT) in Thailand.   With the increasingly significant role that ELT is playing in Asian contexts, it is important to gain a better understanding of the use of English as a medium of intercultural communication in Asia. In doing so, ELT practices may be able to adapt themselves which can lead to the development of better teaching practices.  Engaging learners in inter-cultural reflection will result in language users who are better able to manage communication through English.

Source:  Excerpts from A Critical Examination of ELT in Thailand: The Role of Cultural Awareness written by Will BakerSouthampton University, United Kingdom w.baker@soton.ac.uk

LIFE believes that focusing on personal excellence of the individual adapted to his specific needs, whether it is improving English skills and more effective communication for business or basic learning processes, will reflect positively on the role each student will have to offer after completion.  Improving cultural understanding and language skills will present better opportunities in business and daily life for each student and provide self confidence to better serve future needs.

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